Legal Disclaimer
General Intent
We love Leather, and this site was created as a means to preserve our Leather history. There are no ads and no money is made from this venture. It is purely a labor of love. We have seen so many contest websites come and go and that information then lost to time and merely seek to record and make available the information and provide a resource for our community.
Contest & Cons Ownership
We have zero ownership of any of the contests/conventions listed. We are not representatives of any of the entities listed in the Contest & Cons section and have no direct involvement with their administration. All rights are reserved to the contest owners and producers.
Copyright & Fair Use
We have strived to represent the contests accurately and without preference to any particular contest. The information is derived from the official sites, social media, and from directly contacting contest representatives for more information. We have tried to put the information in our own words or quote the source directly. No plagiarism or misrepresentation is intended and if found, please feel free to reach out to us directly for prompt resolution.
That said, we have worked hard to collate all the information herein, so please be kind and cite us if you use our material.
Liability of Attendance
We do not have any legal connection to any of the entities listed on our website, and are not affiliated with the producers of the contests/cons. In so, any participation in these events that results from our page, we will not be held liable for anything that should happen at these events. We are merely recording what we know for posterity and ease of access.